Every child deserves a champion

Every child deserves a champion

The inspiration behind what led to designing the thank you clouds….


“I like going to school now, I’m not scared anymore, there’s no monsters there, they (the staff) keep me safe and give me cuddles” – A chatty ray of sunshine aged 4.

I stood and watched the interaction between this little chosen one I had the privilege of caring for with her keyworker at pre-school. I could see how much their faces were glowing with joy as they conversed after a very rocky start several months earlier. You see not every child has the ability to glow, neither does every adult but when an adult makes a connection with a child, especially one where trauma has historically been present, it’s quite magical to watch.

I could never really show and explain my gratitude to these kind of people, their approach was authentic, they took time to listen despite being pulled in several directions and were always so eager to share the milestones our little ray of sunshine had made. Their faces would be beaming as they talked about her which always left me quiet because my heart would be bursting and I’d probably burst into tears right then and there because they got it, they really got it. Helping without expectation, other than to be part of their journey is a wonderful relationship to be part of. Nothing was ever to much even when I knew what it might mean for them – the potential sacrifices, juggling different requirements and providing equal opportunities for all the children.

I remember one particular day like it was yesterday, I think it will always feel that way. I could see the sadness in the keyworkers eyes, I could feel it when the sudden decision was made to move this small little chatty ray of sunshine. It was the right thing to do due to the current situation that unfolded within the space of 24 hours, however it didn’t go unnoticed. You see the body may say one thing, it may act like everything is absolutely fine but we are good at masking ourselves. We have so many reasons as to why we hide our feelings but I could see it in her eyes, she was absolutely gutted that their time was coming to such an abrupt end. As for the little one, that would no doubt come later.  Another loss without the time to phase the transition can have detrimental implications but that’s a post for another day. 

So yes, this may just be a small gift but it says so much more, it says thank you at such a unique level of humanness and provides a regular reminder that they were part of something really special. We teach our kids to be polite without necessarily explaining what gratitude means. Helpers change peoples lives without realising how truly amazing they really are because they aren’t doing it for themselves, they are living a life trying to make the world a better place, now that’s worth celebrating.

So to all those helpers out there making a difference consciously or unconsciously we thank you. The world needs more people like you because after all to the world you may be just one person but to that one person you may be their whole world.



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